[originally posted on Medium on Jan 13, 2023]

It’s 2023, a new year and one when we begin our journey to start a family through surrogacy and I am so fucking scared. My anxiety has me imaging a humungous mountain ahead that we’ve to climb and all I’m thinking is ‘How the fuck are we going to get to the top of that?’ Last year, we did a fair bit of research to understand how we might want to start a family and surrogacy was what my husband and I settled on as our best (chance) option to realise a shared dream. So naturally, for me, I became obsessed with learning about the surrogacy process, how long it takes and how much it costs (A new house anyone?). There’s going to be up’s and down’s and I’m glad I have someone to support me through it. But I still can’t shake this scary feeling, this anxiety or is it trepidation for what we could have – a child of our own? RM x @greentothebone@mastodon.ie Blogging about a surrogacy journey my husband and I began in 2021.